Each day that passes is one day closer to you, being the Buzz we all know and love.

Just know that, until that day comes, your thoughtful writings give each one of us helpful insight and knowledge into how cancer therapies work on the (Bruce Lee) body.

You’re doing great things while your body heals. Keep doing great things. Keep healing.

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Aloha Buzz,

My first reaction to latest was a rather rude, "kick it in," as they use to say to me nearing the end of a mini race. You can!

Buzz I had cisplatin. At Queens I eventually only stomached eating poi and greek yogurt, probably vanilla, which a nice man I knew on Oahu kindly brought me. . Probably they have that in Seattle. You might consider.

Golly, I really do wish you well. Good to hear from you.

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I hear room temperature butter goes down easily? Maybe guzzle a quart of olive oil? Or, you can slather it all over and do some face painting and scare the Hell out of Michelle and the girls? KIDDING! I get it.

Sounds like you're getting a dose of being on the other side of the coin, and I know how much that sucks sometimes. Coming from someone who has been carved, poked, prodded, while puking from medication 💊, I know you will make it through this intact. Looking for the silver lining and something to laugh at and about was one of my life savers. My family, my friends and modern medicine, while torturous did the rest. You were part of that support and I hope you will remain a part of our life support system.

I can't offer much more in the way of support, because it appears that you are not lacking in that arena.

But I promise I can continue to test you with complicated health symptoms.

Love to you and yours. R. O.

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I am pleased, Buzz, that you have retained your gift of humor, as is apparent in this essay, which pried a few smiles and at least one giggle as you documented your road towards recovery.

My first chemo session for non-Hodgkin lymphoma took away some of my precious gift of literacy, as well as my somewhat more important ability to create complex computer programs 20 years ago.

The oncology nurse assigned to my case was an angel who explained chemo brain to me and my wife.

Back when I was diagnosed, there were a number of ontological professionals who did not believe chemo brain existed, or if it did, it was not common.

Your journey is one I want to share

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Buzz! Your writings have me speechless. Your words are not only eloquent but convey so much depth of experience. Even as I read your reports of drab, emotionlessness, I am overflowing with feeling and an unexpected sense that I might have an inkling of insight into your world. Thank you for sharing your creative spirit -especially right now, when I imagine the energy to create is in short supply. It means a lot to all of us out here who love you!

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Hi Buzz,

Thank you so much for taking the time to stay in touch with all of us who love you.

Even though I am all the way up in Maine now, you and your beautiful family are always in my heart.

I sure do miss having you for my PCP

My body continues to break down and tear, so the surgeries haven’t stopped.

I had a total knee replacement on my right knee, and I am looking at having a reverse Replacement on my right shoulder, as the work that Dr. Bougenam has torn.

On a brighter note, I am so in love with my little grandson.

I will send you some pictures.

Please say hello to Michelle and the girls and know that I think of you so very often with love

Mary Ellen

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It is always good to read your updates, Buzz.

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Hang in there..good times right around the corner.

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Hi Buzz, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how wrenching and difficult it is and the calendar and clock do not move fast enough. Such a gift of having MIchelle and the girls with you.

From my spiritual realm I am sending deeksha from you - through powerful deeksha masters - for whatever intention you may want and Sidhi to help quiet the mind chatter. If it is of any help - 2 different meditations - perhaps during treatments. one is only 3 minutes long, the other 15.



Praying the physical pain and irritaiton does not seep into your spiritual being

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Hello Hoot, I too have HPV+ head and neck cancer. The “official” name according to md Anderson cancer center is nasopharyngeal carcinoma. After conversing with Buzz we discovered that we both started treatment on the 19th of December,2022. We are over halfway now with what sounds like the same treatment regimens as you. 33 sessions of radiation daily, M-F, and weekly chemo. My tumor is located at the very back of my pharynx adjacent to where the left eastachion tube drains into the sinus. This is also adjacent to the tonsils, or really close. So far things have progressed fairly well for me. Mouth sores are my biggest issue. It makes it difficult to swallow anything other than pudding and such. So far I’ve been able to avoid a feeding tube, I’m not sure if that is good or bad anymore. Biotein rinse and gel have also helped. Along with the salt water baking soda gargling. I also use a product called Healios, I think it has helped more than anything. If you have any questions feel free to reach out at montieb649@comcast.net

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